Hi, all!
My name is Olivia Frost, and I am currently attending North Carolina State University. I’ve created this blog as a means of documenting my growth and learning over the course of my time in the class ECI 201- Intro to Instructional Technology for Educators. I’m so excited to share what awesome things I’ll be doing and all of the cool stuff I learn in this class!
A little about me:
I’m majoring in Elementary Education and hope to achieve a minor in Spanish before fall of 2019! I love working with kids and have found one of my passions in that, which is why I’ve decided to become an educator. I also discovered my passion for Spanish during an immersion trip to the Dominican Republic in 2017, and that is why I’ve decided to minor in it. In my free time I also enjoy reading, watching movies, and exercising.
I hope you enjoy my blog and reading about my experiences in a very exciting course!